
Personal (16) Rving (8)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

So. . Let's get started

Hello! Buongiorno! Greetings!

So I've finally gotten this all set up, just the way I like it! Woo! Pages for all my main interests, my bio, tags, gadgets, decorations, the works! I like to be organized before I start anything. Who doesn't?

So I've been wanting to start my own blog for a while. . for reasons. As another outlet for things I'm thinking about, things I've accomplished, a slightly more organized view on my life than facebook. And when my family and I were brain storming for a blog name for our family blog I came up with this name and stole it for my own personal use. Mwhaha!

You may have also noticed that everything is orange and autumny( My favorite season!!!). Since moving in to the RV we haven't had a room for a season table, so I'm going to change the backgrounds with the seasons to help me get into seasonal moods.

I'm mainly creating this for myself, though I would be over the moon if you so chose to comment and talk to me on here. I'm always open to any questions about anything I talk about.

So here's for wishing me luck on posting somewhat regularly! Here's to a new beginning!


  1. durn kid, was looking for the option of following, and blogger changed stuff and I can't find it! Grrrrr.
    More Rhanna = more fun!

  2. I added a follow thing on the side now. I had totally forgotten about that, thanks for reminding me!
