So I've been wanting to update on here, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about!
But then I remembered. I made a list of topics to talk about when I started. (I make a lot of lists.)
So today I shall be telling you about my favorite life philosophy. I call it The Plum On The Back theory. And then I can use this as a reference in the future, and you'll know what I'm talking about!

She moves in with three of the Sohmas; Yuki (year of the rat), Shigure (year of the dog) and Kyo (the extra year of the cat.) and she slowly meets all of the family and a lot of seriously sad, happy, sweet, dramatic and hilarious things happen and it basically unleashes full fangirl mode when you read/watch it (or listen to the radio drama!) . Highly HIGHLY recommend it, it is incredible!
Okay enough synopsizing and fangirling. Back to the point of this. The POTB theroy.
Here's the quote from the series. (This won't make as much sense out of context, but bear with me. I'm trying!) In this episode/chapter Torhu has been noticing the misunderstood jealousy between two of the characters, Kyo and Yuki. They're envious of each other. . . Lots of backstory. Anyway, she's making rice-balls (IMPORTANT theme!!) when she has a revelation:

"Maybe the reason you don't see it [his good qualities] is that it's stuck to your back. What I mean is, a person's admirable qualities - they're just like, say, a pickled plum on a rice ball. In other words the person is the rice ball and the plum is stuck to their back. So, all over the world you can have rice balls made with all sorts of wonderful ingredients, all different flavors and shapes and colors, but since they'd be stuck in the middle of everyone's back, someone could have a plum and not even know it. They'd look at themselves and think "I'm so plain, nothing but white rice," even though it isn't true because, turn them around and, sure enough, there it is. There's the plum. So if someone is jealous of somebody else, well, then, it's probably because it's easier to see the plum on someone else's back than it is on your own. Yup. I can see it. I can see it very clearly, Kyo. You don't know it but you have a great big plum on your back."

Isn't that just fantastic?! I just love this analogy! It combines food with seeing the best in people, even when they can't see it themselves.
The scene gets better when Kyo, embarrassed to be so complimented, scoffs and says, "That's ridiculous," but then a minute later grudgingly tells Torhu he can see the plum on her back too.
And there's my post! Woo! Thank goodness for lists! And remember that you have a perfect plum on your back!